Automotive Industry

Gearing up your velocity to market reach and merchandise response.

  • Invariable prevention of assembly errors
  • Wastage reduction consistency and customer complaint traceability

Keeping your automotive industry at pace with the evolving changes is what Saatvik has totally geared up its automation wheels for. On the go, we turn on the keys to propelling safety, consistency and flexibility into your production systems so that you don't slip or shiver in reaching your destination of profit and success through seamless automation. The 3Vs we focus upon while working out automation technologies in place at your manufacturing place cannot but make you supple enough for quick changeovers and new designs. They are Visibility, Value & Velocity. Thus you steadily step up the efficiency graph against dots of production and quality with every cycle and step down in the points of costs. When your automotive enterprise comes into the assembly lines of Saatvik automation, it gets perfectly fitted with well managed risks, changes, quality & performance thus making you a spotlight amidst the customer population of all other automation vendors. And here goes a minimal list of what we have in store for you.